Amuran taking the lead
Saturday, November 18th, was the farthest from a dull day you could get. From the early morning until the late afternoon, I was grateful to receive updates from wonderful people all over the world about their activities for Ubaka U Rwanda. Even while I was running myself, I saw pictures of my father and best friends in NH, the kids in Rwanda, and folks in Boston gearing up to start. This was the first time we organized the Rafiki Runs on their own day and it was well worth it. Check out some statistics below, and scroll down for some great pictures from the day!
14 Locations - including San Luis Obispo, San Diego, Merrimack NH, Boston and Rwanda!
175 Runners (Best guess)
15 Dogs (Best guess)
575 Miles (175 people at an average of 5km each)
$2000 Total Raised and counting!
Tabaro sharing our sentiments
The Rafiki Runs of 2017 not only made an impact on our fundraising goal this year, but also proved to be the starting blocks for the future.
This year, they are helping us get that much closer to our goal of raising $20,000 during our year end events, including Run the 1. Run the 1 will be on December 2nd and will be a 50 mile run from Ragged Point to Los Osos, CA. Visit our Run the 1 page for more information.
Don't forget Run the 1 on December 2nd!
In years to come, we hope to make the Rafiki Runs our primary annual event each year. I think everyone that was involved learned a lot about how we can make this a bigger, global event; an event that will bring more and more people together and increase support and community in the future.
Personally, I can't remember a run I have enjoyed more than the one I took that morning of the Rafiki Run. I couldn't stop thinking about how many wonderful people were joining me somewhere out there all over the world. I hope people who ran and people reading this can relate as well.
A massive thanks to those pictured below who organized and participated in Rafiki Runs everywhere.
Please stay tuned for more on Run the 1 this year, the results of these efforts in Rwanda, and the bright future of the Rafiki Runs.
And as always, you can always donate through the website.
Thank you and KOMERA (Be Strong)
P.S. If you're still reading this, scroll down through the pictures for a funny story about one of our kids in Rwanda named Amuran, pictured at the top of this blog post :)
Able Ebenezer Brewing Company's 2nd Annual Rafiki Run brought in the most people in Merrimack, NH.
Pre Run Rwanda
The first Encinitas Rafiki Run
The first official SLO Rafiki Run included many Run the 1 runners but also some new faces too
Post Run Rwanda
Some of our trustees and supporters in the UK went out in the cold too
Our original Rafiki Runner, Hanna Stevens, who has been running with us in Seattle for years now
Doug and some of the the boys running in Rwanda. Doug is a trustee for the UK Chapter, lives in Rwanda, and a huge help.
Another old school Rafiki Runner, Kevin Chambers and Frankie in Wisconsin
My sister and massive supporter, Lindsay Sullivan in San Francisco
Little Keza and Caleb went for a walk after all of their big brothers came back from their Rafiki Run in Rwanda
Big Ubaka U Rwanda supporter, Francisco and his girlfriend in Chico, CA
The first Rafiki Run in Boston, MA
I couldn't stop laughing at the before and after photos I found of Amuran running this year. I'm proud of him. I am proud of him because he tried very hard, the pictures showed me how much he has grown, and he brought up his school marks this year which is quite a feat for him because he struggles learning. Great job Amuran!
Amuran might have bit off more than he could chew at the beginning.
Later on in the run... Komera Amuran!